Are The Older Rugs From Persia Considered Works Of Art?
There are few avenues in the art world that offer as much rich cultural and historical context as those found in the antique Persian rugs . The rugs that were woven in Persia were literally woven with the aesthetic and cultural ideals of an entire people, and perhaps most importantly, rug-making was the art form that the people of Persia took more seriously than any other. The Persian people took much pride in the textile art they created. Thus, it is in the antique carpets from Persia that we find the very finest and the most important examples of Persian textile art in general. To know the Persian rugs is to know people and culture in a way that is rare in the world of art. Persian rugs are regarded as one of the highest levels of artistic sophistication accomplished by humankind. As such, designers, artist and rug collectors covet these masterpieces. Today, Iranian carpets, both modern and antique, have found an ever-expanding home within the art world. There is no doubt that Na...